Why don't you go to wordle.net and make one yourself?
I am Head of Languages at St George's School, Edgbaston and passionate about languages and about finding new ways for my pupils to discover the fun of learning languages. Please check here as often as possible for languages news and new ways to make learning a language fun. If you find something on-line which you think would be suitable for my blog, please get in touch! This is your space as well as mine! “Those who know nothing of a foreign language know nothing of their own” Goethe
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
French trip wordle
Why don't you go to wordle.net and make one yourself?
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Monday, 23 May 2011
You need to make sure your Number link is on and press ALT, then add these codes(if you're using a laptop,use the orange numbers) Don't forget to switch off the number link afterwards!
0224 à
131 â
135 ç
138 è
130 é
136 ê
0235 ë
140 î
147 ô
150 û
0156 œ
Yr 8
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Kids explaining Perfect tense with etre
Kids explaining the Perfect tense with avoir
French Sounds
Café Cinéma Joué | Le Je Ne De | Famille Taille Ouille ! | Joue ou où | comment Henry |
anglais français | ça va? français | père mère frère | bon bonjour mon | cheval chien |
beau eau | janvier cahier | lundi un | une lune | juin cinq vingt |
deux jeudi | moi trois au revoir | huit oui | quatre quinze | trousse professeur |
grise rose | huit hamster | araignée Espagne | assez regardez | au jaune |