Tuesday, 1 November 2011

French games

I just wondered if you could play silly games on yahoo games in French and lo and behold you can!
Go to
and you can enter a whole new world of time-wasting games in French!

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Thursday, 15 September 2011

The dangers of speaking English!

I love this vid!

Number practice

Year 11, fun way to revise your numbers...it does get harder! http://quizlet.com/680866/french-numbers-60-100-flash-cards/

Friday, 9 September 2011


Once you can use a dictionary properly there is no limit to what you can express! You can talk about what is important to you instead of only what you have been taught in class! You will need a dictionary to get the most out of your language lessons. These are the ones we recommend:
If you look around the net, you can find them on ebay, amazon and many other sites or they are for sale in all good bookshops...don't delay!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Je chante

Horribly catchy! How many verbs can you recognise?

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Une de mes chansons favorites!

Il en faut peu pour être heureux
Vraiment très peu pour être heureux
Il faut se satisfaire du nécessaire
Un peu d'eau fraîche et de verdure
Que nous prodigue la nature
Quelques rayons de miel et de soleil.

Je dors d'ordinaire sous les frondaisons
Et toute la jungle est ma maison
Toutes les abeilles de la forêt
Butinent pour moi dans les bosquets
Et quand je retourne un gros caillou
Je sais trouver des fourmis dessous.
- Essaye c'est bon, c'est doux, oh!

Il en faut vraiment peu,
Très peu pour être heureux !
[Mowgli] - Mais oui !
[Baloo] Pour être heureux.

Il en faut peu pour être heureux
Vraiment très peu pour être heureux
Chassez de votre esprit tous vos soucis
Prenez la vie du bon côté
Riez, sautez, dansez, chantez
Et vous serez un ours très bien léché !

Cueillir une banane, oui
Ça se fait sans astuce
Aïe !

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Monsieur Tomate!

Create your own Animation

I did this at fodey.com in five minutes, why not have a go?

Sunday, 3 July 2011

ReelFrench.com : Authentic French videos and exercises

ReelFrench.com : Authentic French videos and exercises

Great place to go to practise your listening. There are videos and gap-fill exercises and all sorts of ways to help improve your French. Have a go at the one where all the teachers are frozen!

Monday, 27 June 2011

Loads of photos!!

Thanks to Mr Hart, who uploaded most of the photos, including some of this weird woman in a frog outfit!! It looks as if I might have to do some editing to get them all in, maybe after all the reports have been written...
Meanwhile enjoy




Sunday, 26 June 2011

Tu es un ananas!

Watch this beautifully cheesy Canadian childrens' programme, dating back to the 70s.  Marvel at the special effects that make a pineapple talk!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

More Mylo News!

Well done to Sean, Parina, Simon and Danny, who are leaders of their year groups at Mylo! Keep at it because I want to present certificates and prizes at the end of term!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Andrew Bailey, I'm talking to YOU!!!!

663 points on MYLO! That is what has taken St George's to 8th in the country, I'm sure! BRAVO!!! Félicitations! You are Number 23 in the country, well done!
Come on everyone, we can do this, maybe we can get to number one!!

Friday, 10 June 2011

Mylo News!

We have a new leader!! Sean Verdi-Ashton has roared into first place with 340 points!! Bravo! Simon Cross has leapt into number one position in Year 9, well done both of you!
HUGE NEWS! St George's is now Number 12 in the whole country!!!!!!!! We were number 68 last night, so keep up the good work, let's see if we can get into the top ten over the weekend!

Football truly is a universal language!

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Exciting news!

Remember last year, The Languages Olympics?
Well this September sees the launch of Languages Championship at the same time as the Rugby World Championships. Same rules apply, same ace prizes! We're registered and this time, I've managed to obtain 50 free places, after that, you'll need to pay a minimal amount, so, if you would like to take part, let Madame Sandys know as soon as possible, first come, first served...

Monday, 6 June 2011

MYLO: a new way to learn languages

MYLO: a new way to learn languages

This is a really exciting development in the world of languages! You will soon be given a code by your languages teacher. Use it to log on and find a way to improve your French, get an avatar and compete against each other and other schools!

A silly song to get you in the mood for packing for Normandy!

Then go here for a listening exercise based on the song....see, I don't waste an opportunity!


ClassTools.net Interactive Learning Tool

ClassTools.net Interactive Learning Tool

Click on the link for some quick fire games to help you practise your tenses...it's fun, I promise!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Older Posts

Don't forget to click on the Older Posts link. There is lots more to see and do, especially freerice.com, which we need to keep supporting, saving lives while improving our languages, Maths and Science. Of course, there's the silly Gummi bear song in French too!

Les petits citoyens

Les petits citoyens

Click on here to get to a great site. You can subscribe and get French news aimed at young people, it's great for your French and fun to try to see how much you can understand.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

French trip wordle

wordle.net is my new toy! You'll be seeing a lot of wordles in your French lessons this term! Here is one I made earlier about the Normandy trip:
Wordle: french trip

Why don't you go to wordle.net and make one yourself?

Monday, 23 May 2011

New game, Thump the Teacher! Perfect tense

Les Jumeaux Adorables!


Here are the codes you need to type French accents.
You need to make sure your Number link is on and press ALT, then add these codes(if you're using a laptop,use the orange numbers) Don't forget to switch off the number link afterwards!
0224 à
131 â
135 ç
138 è
130 é
136 ê
0235 ë
140 î
147 ô
150 û
0156 œ

Yr 8

If you're looking for your wall, go down then click on Older Posts, you'll find it on the next page...no excuse now!

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Kids explaining Perfect tense with etre

Have a listen, it might make it sink in!

Kids explaining the Perfect tense with avoir

Have a listen, they do it pretty well. Makes a change from me droning on!

Hakuna matata...en français

Un chat qui parle!

Create your own Animation

I did this at www.fodey.com, can you make one?

French Sounds










Ouille !







ça va?

























au revoir

















Saturday, 21 May 2011

Remember this song? Tell me it didn't stick in your head!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Free Rice!

Just found this brilliant site! Go to freerice.com create an account and go to the languages section. For each correct vocabulary question you answer, you donate 10 grains of rice to where it's needed! Fab idea, increase your vocabulary while doing good! Let's see who can donate the most bowls of rice!

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Year 7 Wall

Madame Sandys' French Blog...come and join in!

Madame Sandys' French Blog

Wall -

Welcome to my blog!

This is for all students of French at St George's school, Edgbaston.  You're all much better at me than computer stuff, so I hope you'll help me improve the site as we go on!